Solid first-half performance

Our continued strong topline performance is driven by growth in both lending and deposits, a solid investment portfolio return and a reasonable level of impairment reflecting our customers’ generally sound credit quality.

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Who We Are

Founded in 1906 in the Faroe Islands, Føroya Banki is a strong and profitable banking and insurance group in the Nordic region.

Corporate Responsibility Report 2023

Corporate responsibility is an important part of Føroya Banki's objective to create long-term value for its stakeholders. Read the report for 2023 here.

ESG key figures

We have begun to disclose ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) ratios in order to increase transparency with respect to the Group’s footprint in society.

Shareholder Portal

View information regarding your shareholding and receive invitations and admission cards to the general meetings.

Dividend Tax

Shareholders from the Nordic countries are eligible for a dividend tax refund of 20% of Føroya Banki's dividend payments.

Føroya Banki as SIFI

The Danish FSA has designated Føroya Banki as a systemically important financial institution in the Faroe Islands.